Spazio stretto, sedie sporche e non pulite, ritardo di più di 40 minuti
Un ora schiacciati dentro l’aereo ad aspettare è da criminali
Il personale di bordo molto ad accusare e puntare il dito esauriti al massimo. Personale da cambiare totalmente
Il calore del personale, e la puntualità. Un po' meno l'aereo che era un po' vecchio
Flight boarding was delayed by more than an hour. Then, when boarding was completed and we were ready to go, the pilot informed us that he couldn't take us to Italy because he already reached the max flight hours for his contract, and consequently flight was canceled. Luggages were downloaded while we were sitting in the plane After 2 hours, the pilot informed us that Lufthansa has canceled another flight so the crew moved to our flight which was therefore not cancelled Luggage was reloaded and so instead of leaving at 12:40 p.m. we left at 4 p.m. In the meanwhile we were always sitting in the plane
British airlines fornisce un ottimo servizio. Potrebbe migliorare sui tempi di imbarco
+ Equipaggio sempre allegri e felici + Interno aereo nuovo e pulito + Buona attenzione alla disciplina anti-COVID - Partenza in ritardo inizialmente per problema staff, poi valigia da scaricare per passeggero mancante, finalmente per problema attrezzatura aeroporto. Una storia… - Postazione 26F molto ristretto con poco spazio per i ginocchi, bracce, sotto la sedia davanti. sono nella media per altezza (182cm) ma mi sentivo scomodo.
The company did not know how to handle COVID bureaucracy efficiently or even correctly. We were asked to fill in four forms when only one is needed or even checked at all. I had to come in early to the airport, take a COVID test and then wait in the airport departure lobby for almost 1h to check in while waiting for the test results. Given that I spent a substantial amount to get a business ticket, I expected my time to be respected and to have business facilities made available. Once reached, the lounge now has an ordering system instead of self-service. The food was honestly disgusting, cold boiled rice without any salt and some "Spanish chorizo chicken" that had no chorizo and tasted like boiled chicken dropped in reheated tomato sauce. The plane departed one hour late. The business class seat was small, but comfortable. The company sent a boiler plate email apologizing which is something you appreciate the first time and it becomes grating when you get more than one per week.